Thursday, February 3, 2011


I went for the fitting about the 10th week after surgery.  I purchased two bras and one prosthesis.  The prosthesis came in a little blue square suitcase.  When not wearing the prosthesis it has to stay in the case.  Five more weeks went by  before I could wear anything.  I had trouble healing so I had to stay wrapped the extra days.  I am not sure if it was a blessing or a curse.  I just didn't feel comfortable wearing the bra with the prosthesis.  I kept thinking that it would get better but even in June it was still irritating me.

Dennis didn't like me calling it a prosthesis so we named it Betty Boob.  I have my bathroom done in Betty Boop so we thought it was fitting.  Even stranger was when last year Cathy and Mom went to a quilt show and as an added bonus there were decorated brasseries at the show.  One was crafted with Betty Boop so Cathy took a picture for me to see.  At the time I asked Cathy about making me a 5 X 7 for the bathroom but before she could get it developed I had found out I had cancer.  When she did get around to getting it to me she was a little uneasy how I would handle it until she had heard that we had named the prosthesis Betty Boob after the famous Betty Boop.  She gave it to me and we had a good laugh.

I don't care how much money you spend on bras and prosthesis' they don't fit right and they don't feel right.  It takes a long time to adjust and guess what, I am not adjusted yet.  As soon as I get home off goes Betty Boob.  As long as I am staying around the house I don't wear mine because of the heat and the weight.

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