Memories are what makes a person smile for the inside out. That is what I do, smile when I remember the day that I shared a story with eight of my grandchildren. Last summer Dennis and I had our grandchildren up for almost a week. We played, laughed, ate, went swimming and had a picnic several days. It was a great time to make a lot of memories with their Papa and Nana.
I started the book over four years ago and had it printed in Creative Memories. It is a true story about, "The Cat that Wasn't A Cat." Most of the pcitures you see here were shot when Dennis was reading the story again to the kids. They could not believe that it was atrue story and that the skunk was a real skunk. I will never be a famous author but I am famous to my grandchildren and that is all that matters.
This year with Dennis gone I will have help having the kids up this summer. I am already making plans. Swimming, playing, craft time, hiking and maybe a trip to town is already making it to my list, of the list of things to do. Notice two lists. I have already bought four puzzles to work if we have a rainy day or an evening free. I bought the game Shute and Ladders to play with the younger ones. I am working on the craft idea. Not sure what it is going to be but I know they will have a good time with it.