Saturday, April 4, 2015

Spring is here.

I got out this last week and took some pictures in my mother's yard.  I am mouthy when we have to mow around everything in her yard with no rhyme or reason but during  the spring I sure like all the blooming flowers.  The blooms let us know that the winter is finally over and spring is here.

A lot has happened since I last posted.  I say every time that I work on my blog that I am going to do it more often.  At least often enough to remember how everything works on the blog.  I struggle every time on how to upload pictures and how to change the header.  Oh, well I call my Sister and she comes up and helps me out. I told her today that I would give her a call again in about three months for a new blog look.

Our life has been turned upside down.  Four weeks ago mom had a stroke, effecting her right side.  She spent one week in Baptist and then she started rehab. in Southern Trace.  She has been there for three weeks. 

As I share about mom I know that we are not the only ones going threw a crisis.  Illness, death, broken families and children, that have gone astray are just a few of life's tragedies.  We all have problems and no one is immune to any of this.  We have all this in common and we all have a God that knows our ever hurt and pain.  I don't know how people go through troubles without  Him.  We claim His Promises-  He will never leave us or forsake. - He has experienced all of our feelings of lose, sadness, loneliness, so he understands what we are going through.

                        All the flowers I found in mom's yard.