Monday, February 27, 2012

Wonderful Time of Year

Christy brought three of her children up here to spend the week-end with me.  We had so much fun. 
 We did a photo shoot Sunday afternoon.  These are always good times.  I am learning about my camera and MaKara gets to poise a lot.  Beautiful subject to have in my shots.
 Can you tell that Reed is the King of the rock.  We worked really hard to open the woods for our Zip line and for the 4 wheeler trails.  Not finished yet but we got a good head start.
 We cleared a pretty good path down the hill.  We all had a good time but now we are paying for it.  Christy and I both got into to much pollen.
 Running is the only speed these two kids know.  Tylar is holding on to her hat. 
 Not bad for just a few hours work.  We raked, cut vines and stickers down and trimmed limbs hanging over the trail.
 Here is another photo shot.  I am not sure what they are looking at but it must have been interesting.
 Wind blowing and shadows across the face of a young girl contemplating her future, or just posing for the camera. Whatever.
 We walked down to the creek bed and then on to the dirt road.  It is a climb going back up this hill.  Doesn't seem to bother the young ones though, just me.  I am huffing and puffing but I made it.
When I look back at all the pictures I took I failed to get one of Christy.  Maybe next time.


  1. Wow, you guys really worked hard! We did some heavy yard work Sunday afternoon and my back feels it! Love all your pictures! I love the light on Makara's hair in the first one! She is such a gorgeous model!! So glad she'll pose for you!!

  2. Christy didn't want her picture taken! Love the pics of the kiddos though!!!
