Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 2014

It is here.  The new year.  For weeks I have heard, can't wait until this year ends and the new year has to be better."  Many families have had such hard times this year so we are all looking and hoping for a better new year.

This year rather than make a new years resolution, I want to use the phrase "The Focused Life." This is the Title of a devotional book by Turning Point that Christy told me about.  To make 2014 better than 2013 I need to be more focused.  I am not sure what part of my life will be affected but I am sure I am going to have many surprises.

I want to be more focused on:
Growing in the His Word.
Living through my grief.
Making a difference.
Being there for my family.
Making friends.

Our family has gone through a lot this year and Dylan going to heaven has been very difficult.  I was looking for a picture to post and this one made me stop and think.  This was a very special time in Dennis and my life.  We had all the grandkids up for a week and we did lots of fun things.  I shared with them my first attempt at being a author.  The kids loved it.  I look now at this picture and realize how sick Dennis really was that week.  But we still had a wonderful time and we made great memories. We just did not realize that in a few months Dennis would go to heaven and then two years later Dylan would also go to be with him. Heaven has always been special to us and desiring to go there has more meaning now, than ever.

Dylan's birthday is the 3rd  and our hearts are still so heavy at his going.  It has brought up so many feelings of Dennis' death.  It feels like I am reliving it all over again with a heavier heart because of Dylan's going.  I am so glad that I got a chance to spend time with Mike's family.  I have lots of pictures and lots of memories.

We spent a week again this past summer in Florida.  We were looking all the time for the large shell and the perfect sand dollar.  Most of the time Mike had Aida on his hip so this was a special opportunity for father and son to search together.
I am glad that I took a lot of pictures so I have a lot of visual memories.  We will not forget our special Dylan.  A little boy that could make what he dreamed up in his little head.  He was talented with tools and he had a way with his winning smile.  We will miss him.


  1. Judith, Praying for comfort and strength in this new year. Would love to see you.

    Carolyn Cantwell

    1. Yes, It has been a long time. Betty told my your brother passed away. Now he is at peace. Losing a family member is so hard.

  2. I'm one of those that's is so glad 2013 is finally gone. We had our share of sickness and heartbreak, not to mention broken bones! The devotional book sounds good, I'll have to check it out!
