Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I am a little confused. Today is day four but I have been posting one day behind so this is our day 3

No, the kids are not in jail.  They are feeding the ducks, which are right below our patio.

 There are five ducks and the little one on the top center has gimped up wing.  He just waddles different than the other but he still keep up.

On a rainy day what do you do when your are forced to stay inside.  Fly kites, that is what we did.  They were so cute.  The kites are about  five inches by 4.   Perfect because Nana had brought her fan.

The flag is red.  That means the undercurrent is real strong and we should beware. 

Here is a picture of my room.  It is not a "sleep number bed" but the room is really nice.

God gave a promise to Noah and us.  We took it as a sign that the weather we be better for us.

  What a smile.  He has his pirate beach cover up on.  Doesn't he look cute.
It was a wonderful day yesterday.  Gina went shopping and Mike and I volunteered to stay home with the kids.  We went to the kiddy water area, ate left over pizza and then Aida took a nap.  Mike and I had a good time visiting and keeping Dylan entertained.


  1. I hate that you've had so much rain! But it looks like you're making the best of it!! On a bright note, without the rain you wouldn't have seen the beautiful rainbow! Great idea for the kids to fly kites!! Did you make them??

  2. I love the rainy day activity. What a great idea!
